Indiana University Investigates Former Team Physician Brad Bomba Sr. 

Student athletes deserve to feel safe and supported by the individuals responsible for their care and well-being. Recent revelations involving Dr. Brad Bomba Sr., a former Indiana University team physician, have raised serious concerns about the treatment of student athletes under his care.  

Bomba, who worked with various Indiana University athletic teams from the 1970s until his retirement in the late 1990s, is facing allegations of sexual abuse toward a former student athlete. On Monday, September 11th, Indiana University announced an investigation based on allegations of abuse during his time with the university’s basketball program. The ongoing review seeks to determine whether university officials were aware of Bomba’s actions and if adequate safeguards were in place to protect the athlete. 

Standing Up for Survivors 

This brave individual, by coming forward with his story, is taking a stand to hold not only Bomba accountable but also Indiana University. His actions are likely empowering others who may have suffered in silence for years to also come forward and seek justice. At The Simpson Tuegel Law Firm, we believe that those who were harmed deserve justice, and the institutions that allowed the abuse to continue unchecked must also be held responsible for their complacency and enablement. 

If you were abused by Dr. Brad Bomba Sr., reach out to our team to learn more about the path forward towards justice. 

Our Expertise

The Simpson Tuegel Law Firm is nationally recognized for its expertise in representing survivors of sexual abuse and institutional misconduct. Led by Michelle Simpson Tuegel, a tireless advocate for survivors of abuse in sports, our firm has successfully represented clients in landmark sex abuse cases, including the Larry Nassar litigation against Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics, as well as the George Tyndall against the University of Southern California and Robert Anderson against University of Michigan abuse cases. 

Our team is uniquely positioned to pursue claims of institutional negligence and misconduct, particularly in the context of college sports. Michelle Simpson Tuegel’s experience as a former world-class athlete gives her a deep understanding of the power dynamics and vulnerabilities that exist in athletic environments, where trust and safety should be paramount. 

By the Numbers

  • USA Gymnastics/ Larry Nassar – $380 million settlement 
  • University of Southern California – $852 million settlement 
  • University of Michigan – $460 million settlement 

We Are Here for You

Coming forward after experiencing abuse is an incredibly difficult and courageous step. If you or someone you know was harmed while under the care of Dr. Brad Bomba Sr. or any other trusted medical professional, you are not alone. The Simpson Tuegel Law Firm is here to guide you through every step of the process, from understanding your legal options to pursuing justice. 

If you have questions about your rights or would like to speak with someone about your experience, please contact us using the form below. We are committed to helping you find a path to healing and justice. 

In the News

If you have questions or want to learn more about a potential path forward, contact our team for a free consultation. We would be honored to help you pursue your claim.